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“What do you think of cheap Wills?” “Not much.”

“What do you think of cheap Wills?” “Not much.”

Written by Stephen on Aug 15, 2024

I recently met a couple in Lancaster to write their Wills. They are a ‘blended family’ (children from previous relationships) and have various business interests, so it’s not a simple case. After 90 minutes of thrashing out ideas to achieve their goals, we agreed their instructions. As I was about to leave, the husband asked me (stressing that he wasn’t re-considering using me!) “What do you think about these ‘write your Will in 15 minutes, for £20’ type of things?”

As you might expect, I don’t like them. In this case, the couple and I had spent 90 minutes going through the complexities of their case. They are not the type of people whose Wills could’ve been written from a 15-minute phone call, or at least not properly. But even in the simplest of cases (which a lot of people want) – would you entrust your family’s future to a 15-minute phone call? I wouldn’t.

An unsuitable Will can cause real problems for bereaved families, from uncertainty up to big legal cases. There could be extra costs, stress and difficulty at the worst possible time. All for the want of doing the Will properly the first time.

I don’t write Wills for cheap – my fees start at £217 for a single person and £357 for a couple – but this is really an investment, an investment in your family’s future and to ensure that your death is no more difficult to deal with than it has to be.

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