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About Stephen

I began willwriting in the spring of 2019 alongside an experienced local willwriter.  I quickly discovered a passion for helping clients navigate their unique situations with care, ensuring their families’ futures are secure through Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney.

Discussing personal issues compassionately and giving professional advice on these is a big responsibility that I take very seriously.  Doing that job well is both something I enjoy and something that provides professional pride and satisfaction.  Although each client has their own circumstances to think about, the most enjoyable jobs are the ones where the Will I have written for a client vastly improves on what the law would have done otherwise.

About Lakes Wills

I offer a professional and compassionate willwriting and Lasting Powers of Attorney service centred around the Kendal and Lancaster area.  I do work further afield in Preston, Barrow, Carlisle and the Lake District too. I aim to write Wills that meet my clients’ wishes when they are eventually needed, through as simple and easy a process as possible.

Both I and my company Lakes Wills Ltd are fully-insured members of the Institute of Professional Willwriters and comply with the IPW code of practice.


I will never disclose your personal data, nor indeed that you are a client of mine, to third parties except for purposes essential to your case, or where I am required to by legal or regulatory authorities. In some cases I may seek advice from a third party (e.g. a specialist solicitor or financial adviser) to assist with your case, however I will not disclose any facts that could identify you.
I will never contact people whose details you give to me for your Will or Lasting Power of Attorney except for purposes essential to your case, and always with your permission.
Lakes Wills Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Social responsibility

I will never ‘cold-call’ you to solicit for work or ask for money, either by telephone, email, or at your home. If you do receive such a ‘cold-call’ purporting to be from Lakes Wills Ltd, I strongly advise that you do not engage with the caller and that you inform the relevant authorities. Stephen Thrift is the only person authorised to accept money on behalf of Lakes Wills Ltd and you should not give money to anyone else claiming to represent me. If in doubt, please call me on 07795 661719 before handing over money.

I will never ask for money upfront before meeting with you or starting work, and nor do I work with clients solely over the telephone or email (i.e. meetings are always in person or via a video call. I am always pleased to verify my identity if requested).

I am a member of the BNI Heart of the Lakes and Bay Business Network networking groups.


Steven Thrift
Having the Will there made it so much easier to sort out my grandfather’s money than my mother’s was, as she died without a Will. R. Kendal

Lakes Wills Ltd is a fully insured member of the Institute of Professional Will writers and complies with the IPW code of practice.
