
How often should I review my Will?

It is not unusual for me to be asked: “I wrote my Will a few years ago, how often should I review it?”. I advise my clients to review their Wills regularly to ensure they are still suitable. I would certainly advise that you review your Will carefully before and/or after significant events in your life, as such events could mean your Will requires updating. The

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Who would look after your children if you died before they reach 18?

There is literally no more important reason to write a Will, than to secure a young child’s upbringing with your chosen, trusted guardians. So it is worrying that, according to a report by Legal & General in 2021, only 39% of people aged 25-34 (those most likely to have children under 18) have written a Will. “Who would look after your children if they were left

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“What do you think of cheap Wills?” “Not much.”

I recently met a couple in Lancaster to write their Wills. They are a ‘blended family’ (children from previous relationships) and have various business interests, so it’s not a simple case. After 90 minutes of thrashing out ideas to achieve their goals, we agreed their instructions. As I was about to leave, the husband asked me (stressing that he wasn’t re-considering using me!) “What do you

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“Can ChatGPT write my Will?”

That’s a question I have been asked zero times… yet. But I’m sure it’s coming. From what I can tell from trying ChatGPT out, the short answer is “Yes”, it can write your Will. The longer answer is “Yes, but that Will may not be suitable for what you need.” The answer ChatGPT gives you is only ever as good as the question you ask. For

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Are Lasting Powers of Attorney more important than Wills?

Most of us have heard of Wills and see the value of them (even if we don’t all write one), because we are all going to die. But we won’t all lose mental capacity (for whatever reason) during our lives. So why might Lasting Powers of Attorney be an even *more* important part of your life planning, than a Will? If someone dies without a Will,

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How can you prevent your Will being successfully challenged?

The Times recently reported statistics from Private Client Solicitors, showing that the number of disputes over Wills leading to court cases has risen by more than a third since 2017 and more than doubled over the past decade. Many more cases will never reach the courts as they are resolved by mediation. Although some cases will be speculative, many will be genuine, for example cases brought

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Lakes Wills Ltd is a fully-insured member of the Institute of Professional Willwriters and complies with the IPW code of practice.

Stephen Thrift
Lakes Wills Ltd

T: 07795 661719

Registered Office: 
Ryburn, Back Lane, Warton, Lancaster, LA5 9QU

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