What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

Have you ever wondered how your family would prove they have the authority to take financial and health decisions on your behalf, if you weren’t able to?

This wouldn’t necessarily be due to dementia – any of us could have an accident at any time and suffer serious health problems or even be in a coma.

The unfortunate fact is that in many cases, your family would not be able to make decisions on your behalf, without Lasting Powers of Attorney.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document, signed by you and the attorneys you trust and have chosen, which allows your attorneys to make decisions on your behalf while you are alive.

It is completely separate to your Will and neither have any bearing on the other.

There are two types of LPA – Property & Finance, and Health & Welfare.

  • A Property & Finance LPA allows your attorneys to make decisions on your behalf regarding your finances, for example paying your bills or managing your income and bank account.
  • A Health & Welfare LPA allows your attorneys to make decisions on your care and wellbeing, for example what medical and social care you receive. You can specify whether or not your attorneys have the power to decide on life-sustaining treatment.

At all times, your attorneys are legally obliged to act in your best interests, however it is vital that you trust the attorneys you appoint to carry out what your wishes would be.

To arrange an appointment to discuss your Lasting Powers of Attorney, please call 07795 661719, email info@lakeswills.co.uk or Contact me here

What happens if I don’t have LPAs?

Where a person loses mental capacity and does not have LPAs in place, the Court of Protection may become involved and make the required decisions on a person’s behalf. The Court may not make the same decisions as the person themselves would have wanted.

Relatives can apply to the Court of Protection to be appointed as deputies, however this is a lengthy and expensive process that is not guaranteed to end in the relatives’ appointment, and of course relatives could dispute each other’s applications. Where the Court does appoint a relative as a deputy, it is likely to impose onerous supervision, at the deputy’s expense, to ensure they are acting ethically. The BBC’s One Show has aired a section showing the awful impact on a lady who had to use this route to get access to her husband’s finances after he suffered brain damage in an accident.

The Court of Protection can appoint different deputies for a person’s finances and their welfare, however in practice it rarely agrees to appoint welfare deputies.

Creating Lasting Powers of Attorney ensures that, should you lose mental capacity, your family have the best chance of making the decisions you would have wanted for yourself, without suffering any extra unnecessary stress.

Lakes Wills Ltd’s fees for registering LPAs begin from £395 for one LPA type for one person. The Office of the Public Guardian also charges an £82 fee for each LPA type on application.

Lakes Wills Ltd is a fully-insured member of the Institute of Professional Willwriters and complies with the IPW code of practice.

Stephen Thrift
Lakes Wills Ltd

T: 07795 661719
E: info@lakeswills.co.uk

Registered Office: 
Ryburn, Back Lane, Warton, Lancaster, LA5 9QU

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